Tuesday, May 13, 2014

PhotoCamel Writing Photography Tutorials

Find this good tutorial on writing photography related tutorials on Photocamel

We encourage all our Photo Camel members to share their knowledge with others. That is why we have this Tutorials section. However, there are a few pointers you need to keep in mind as you assemble your tutorial. Please keep these in mind as it will help give your tutorials some longevity.

First, some hard rules;

  • Embed your images rather than link to them from an outside source - Embedding an image places that image on the Photo Camel server, making the image accessible all the time. If your image is hosted off site it is susceptible to changes such as changing hosting service, deleting or updating linked images, link changes within the hosting service and so on. There is nothing more frustrating to someone than reading a tutorial with broken link icons instead of the original images. There is a great Posting Images Tutorial by Mr. Pickles that explains how to upload images to Photo Camel.
  • Avoid links to external sources as links tend to change or become obsolete over time - Similarly, links to external sources such as instructional videos or tutorials, products or photographers can change over time. Try to keep longevity in mind when posting in the Tutorials section.

Second, some not so hard rules;
  • Do not assume the reader knows what you know - Remember that Photo Camel appeals to photographers of all abilities. Many come to this section specifically to increase their knowledge. What you find as common knowledge may be foreign to a beginner. Take the time to explain all the parts of your tutorial. If your tutorial is meant for more advanced photographers then state that at the beginning. Include a prerequisites disclaimer before going into the heart of the tutorial
  • Break up the tutorial into easy to follow steps - Write your tutorial in blocks of text rather than one continuous expanse. Not only is it easier on the brain it is also easier on the eyes. Keep the paragraphs logical so each paragraph explains a single concept or structure before introducing the next.
  • Keep your steps clear and concise - Everyone appreciates step-by-step processes. It allows for a clear understanding of your process. It also makes it easier to identify potential problems or pitfalls one could run into.
  • Use bold headings to separate parts or steps in your tutorial - Long or complex tutorials should be broken into sections with each section clearly identified with a bold heading. This allows a quick perusal of the tutorial and if a reader is somewhat familiar with a section they can make the decision to either read or skip that section. Specially when referring back to a tutorial they have flagged for future use.

Thank you in advance for sharing.

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